What We Do

Small business development
CHF small business program is geared towards empowering small businesswomen. We are trying to put in place where women in areas such as Artibonite, Centre, Grand’Anse, Nippes, Nord, Nord -Est, Nord-Ouest, Ouest, Sud-Ouest, and Sud provinces will receive a start-up capital to start a business. This program will be geared towards enhancing the local woman to be self-sufficient and dependent. CHF is already on the field now trying to gather data and as such to make the project come to reality.
Micro Credit Scheme
As a mission from the founder, CHF is planning to create a microfinance scheme called CHF FINANCE, where CHF will mobilize weekly savings where the money will be used to deliver microcredits to low-income persons.
Gender equality
Women and girls are the backbones of Haitian society and the local economy. Nearly half of Haitian households are women-led. Women are also pillars of economic life, as they form most street vendors and support agricultural supply chains. However, women and girls continue to be affected by severe inequality, and gender-based violence (GBV).

CHF is committed to helping women to empower themselves. We are also committed to helping most girl children to go to school because most of these girls don’t go to school and as a result of this, they get married at a very tender age.
Health and Agriculture
CHF plans to launch its Participatory HIV/AIDS Control Program (PHACOP) by 2024. It has main goal is to sensitized hundreds of communities on the causes and prevention of HIV/AIDS, demonstrate condom use and gender dimensions of HIV/AIDS. We are in the process of identifying government agencies to see how we can work with them to sensitize local communities on how to prevent themselves from contracting HIV/AIDS. We are also working to provide anti-retroviral drugs to fight against malaria to the local communities.
CHF is planning to provide basic agricultural training to Haitians so that their livelihood will be improved. Training such as poultry farming, snail farming, piggery farming, and many more we are working to see how it comes to reality.